Alex Jaeger’s Programming Blog

Welcome to my programming blog. Here is where I will post projects that I have worked on and how they have progressed during their development.

Machine Learning in Unity

Recently, I’ve been lucky enough to attend the Game Developer Conference this year in San Fransisco. While there, I was able to attend a ton of very interesting and informative talks about machine learning and how they are applied in games. I was super interested in exploring the topic more, so for the last month…

Personal Development Blog #7

As stated in my last personal development blog, I have been working hard with my fellow students to finish Mapstermind, our senior year capstone project. Well I am happy to say that we have just finished development on the game and will be releasing on steam and showing off our game during the senior show…

Screen Time Proof of Concept: Exploring Unity XR and horror in VR

For the past month or so, I have been exploring Unity XR, a toolkit for developing VR game within the Unity Engine, and slowly teaching myself how everything works and how to program game in virtual reality. I thought the best way to do this would be to try and remake an old horror experience…

AI For Games: Influence Maps

In past blog posts, I talked a lot about pathfinding algorithms and how AI figure out how to get from point A to point B in the most efficient manner. But for some games, just being able to move around my not always cut it. For certain games, developers might want there AI to be…

Unity: Universal Dialogue Manager

For my portfolio class, I have been working on developing a dialogue manager for Unity that can be used for a wide range of projects. Today I wanted show off the system I was able to create. If you are interested, I have attached the GitHub link to the current state of the project above.…

Personal Development Blog #6

Its been about 8 weeks since I began working on Mapstermind as a System/UI programmer. We have made significant progress and are steadily working towards completing our Alpha build. In this blog post, I wanted to go over where we are in the project, what we have planned for the future, and how I have…

Pathfinding for Games: Flow Fields

Over the past couple of months, I have been exploring different techniques for implementing AI in games. For this blog post, I want to go over the Flow Field project that I have working on for a couple of weeks now. Like all my projects I showcase, I have attacked a link to the GitHub…

Personal Developer Blog #5

For the past couple of weeks, I have been on-boarded and hard at work on Mapstermind in preparations for the Senior Show at Champlain College. I have been working as a Systems and UI programmer on the project. In this blog post, I would like to show off some features and improvements that I have…

Obstacle Avoidance: Flocking Behavior

For the past couple of weeks, I have been steadily working on my obstacle avoidance AI. For this blog post, I want to go back to an old topic that I learned about a year ago, that being flocking, and integrate it into our AI. For this post, I will be going over how this…

Unity2D Obstacle Avoidance AI 2.0

In my last blog post, I went over an obstacle avoidance AI that I created in Unity. Recently, I have been experimenting, bug fixing, and tweaking the AI to try and improve it, while also adding different movement behaviors. For this post, I would like to go over all the new functionalities and fixes I…

Unity2D Wandering Obstacle Avoidance AI

Recently, I have been interested in learning more about different kinds of AI for games. To start, I have decided to remake an old flocking AI that I created in my Game AI class. For this post, I will be going over the Wander behavior with Obstacle Avoidance. If you are interested, I have included…

Personal Developer Blog #4

Very recently, I just finished up my junior year of college! It was one of the toughest years for as a game developer, but I managed to get through all the challenges I faced. For this blog post, I want to conduct a postmortem of the work I have been doing this past year and…

Personal Developer Blog #3

For this blog post, I wanted to reflect on this past couple of weeks and what I have been working on. The last couple of weeks for me has been particularly challenging due to having a relatively heavy workload, so I would like to look back at the work I produced and talk about the…

Personal Developer Blog #2

Over the past several weeks, I have been working in a small team, rapidly prototyping three different game concepts and then iterating on one of those ideas and creating a professional pitch where we present our concept to the entire grade. For this blog post, I wanted to reflect on the three projects that we…

Custom Physics in Unity: Wall Collision and Bounce

In a recent blog post, I go over my Unity chess AI I developed for my Game AI final. That same semester I also worked with two of my fellow students on developing a custom physics engine in Unity for our Game Physics final. Instead of using the built-in Unity physics, we created our own…

Personal Developer Blog #1

Hello and Welcome to my personal developer blog! My name is Alex Jaeger and I am a Game Programming student at Champlain College. The main purpose of these personal blogs is to go less in depth with what I’m working on and offer a bit of insight about myself as a person and also give…

Move Generation and Minimax for Chess

Recently, I put together a demo of an AI that plays Chess within the Unity Game Engine for my final project in Game AI. The AI uses an optimized version of a commonly used technique for generating moves for strategic board games called the Minimax Algorithm. The program also uses an algorithm for evaluating the…

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